Donate to Biological and Agricultural Engineering General Support
As part of both the College of Engineering and the College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, BAE integrates engineering principles with biological systems for research and education in the production, distribution and processing of biological products. Our research and educational programs focus on agricultural, aquaculture, bioenvironmental, bioinstrumentation, biomedical, energy systems, food, forest, fiber and postharvest engineering. We benefit greatly from our location in California, the national leader in agricultural production and diversity, and home to one-third of the nation’s biotechnology firms.
Biological Systems Engineering, the undergraduate major, is the biology-based engineering discipline that integrates life sciences with engineering from molecular to ecosystem levels. Within this discipline (also called biological engineering), faculty members emphasize a range of research areas including agricultural production/natural resources, biotechnology engineering, and food engineering.
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Associated Funds
- Agricultural & Environmental Technology Support Fund
- Agricultural Technology Teaching Program Support Fund
- Biological and Agricultural Engineering Centennial Fund
- Biological and Agricultural Engineering General Support
- Biological and Agricultural Engineering Student Support
- Chao Wei Yu Memorial Award
- Smart Farm Excellence Fund
- William and Nongkarn Chancellor Fellowship Fund, with Matching Support from the Graduate Student Fellowship Matching Initiative
Tess Dyer
Senior Director of Development
[email protected]
(530) 752-2142 (Phone)