Donate to this fund

The Bohart Museum Society is the support organization for the UC Davis Bohart Museum of Entomology. There are a variety of ways your membership supports the Bohart Museum’s incredible programs, including educational outreach, internships, visits from scientists, the insect zoo, public displays and exhibits.

Society Membership As a member you'll receive the following benefits:

• Access to members-only special events and programs, including the Halloween Open House

• Discounts on gift shop purchases

• Access to collections

• Free information and identifications services from staff

• Use of the museum library

• A subscription to the Bohart Museum Society newsletter

To join or renew your membership, please complete the membership form. Next, click on the "Donate to this Fund" bar above and enter the amount of your chosen membership level into the "How much will you give?" line and follow the prompts to eneter the rest of your contact and payment information.

Individual - $25.00

Student - $15.00

Student Family - $25.00

Family - $40.00

Patron - $100.00

Similar Funds


Cari Dubois-Wright
Director of Development
[email protected]
(530) 752-6971 (Phone)

Fund purpose

Other Purposes

Fund type