Spearheaded by the Working Lands Innovation Center, support for the Project Carbon Fund at UC Davis will create the world’s most comprehensive, state-of-the-art carbon farm. “Farming” carbon dioxide means removing the gas from the air and storing it in natural or engineered materials that act as long-term carbon sinks. By creating and demonstrating at scale a suite of innovative technologies and practices that will allow us to capture greater amounts of carbon, Project Carbon will address the single most important factor in holding the world’s temperature at a level that prevents the worst impacts on people, ecosystems and the economy.
Work at our demonstration sites will include small business development and project-based training opportunities for students partnering with researchers on cutting-edge carbon-farming methods—including soil and forest management, genetic modifications to photosynthesis, enhanced weathering of minerals, chemical engineering breakthroughs, and deploying new materials like carbon-scrubbing concrete.
For updates on this project, please visit: https://www.workinglandsinnovation.com/
Similar Funds
Trent Sunahara
Assistant Director of Development, Office of Research
(530) 754-3725 (Phone)
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