The University of California Immigrant Legal Services Center serves the immigration-related legal needs of undocumented and immigrant students and their immediate family members, as well as family members of U.S. citizen students. Operating out of UC Davis School of Law, the groundbreaking program serves students at nine UC campuses: UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Merced, UC San Francisco, UC Santa Cruz, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, and UC Riverside. The Center's services are free of charge.
The mission of the Center is simple, yet transformative. It is more than a direct legal student service. It is a means to improving the educational and emotional well-being of the university’s immigrant and mixed-status student community. Our mission statement reads:
The UC Immigrant Legal Services Center is committed to supporting and enhancing the well-being of the University of California Community and to advancing equity and success in higher education through provision of free, high-quality immigration legal representation, outreach, and education.
Undocumented students and students from mixed-status families face numerous financial, legal, and personal challenges when it comes to accessing and remaining in higher education institutions. Through its casework and educational and outreach efforts across the UC campuses on key legal developments related to rapidly shifting immigration policies, the UC Immigrant Legal Services Center helps to address some of these challenges.
For more information about UC Immigrant Legal Services Center, please visit our website at
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Taylor Theg
Managing Senior Director of Development
[email protected]
530-304-8078 (Phone)
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