Support EPS Students Beyond the Classroom!
Give to Microbiology and Molecular Genetics General Support
Make a gift to the CA&ES Experiential Learning Fund
Make a gift in memory of Sean Duffey and in honor of Hugh Dingle
Make a gift to the Noel-Nordfelt Animal Science Goat Dairy and Creamery
The Feminist Research Institute supports transformative research that enacts positive change to end oppression and create a more just world.
A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
Together, we can help ensure planetary resilience to climate change.
Make a gift to the Women of the World Milk Project Fund
Support research for FX, FXTAS, FXPOI and other FMR1-related disorders
Support the Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research!
Support the Veterinary Assisted Reproduction Laboratory Support Fund
Help ensure lasting food security for all with a gift to Smart Farm
Comparative Pathology Laboratory Support Fund
Dedicated to the health and well-being of horses.
Conservation of mammalian wildlife in California and beyond
Support the MIND Institute and its life-changing work and research to help those with autism.
Join us in providing students the hands-on data science skills they need to succeed in college and beyond.
Addressing the planet's most complex issues with new perspectives and visionary action!
Support the Goldman-Schladow Limnology Fellowship!
Make a gift to the Bodega Marine Reserve, part of the UC Natural Reserve System
Support the three missions: clinical care, research and education.
Provides meaningful research and mentorship experiences for community college students and increases diversity of future STEM leaders
UC Food Quality - Resources for Food, Quality and Authenticity
We invite you to consider making a gift today!
Make a gift to the Charles M. Rick Tomato Genetics Research Center Endowment
Support the research and educational activities in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
A gift to the Quail Ridge Reserve Fund supports the protection of the Quail Ridge peninsula for research and teaching.
Support inter-campus collaboration and the advancement of bioengineering in the UC system and beyond
Give to the Haskell Robinson Family Neuroscience Research Endowment
Make a gift to the Dr. Jennifer Walker Fund in Animal Welfare
Support the Environmental Science and Policy Experiential Learning Fund
Public scholarship for the public good!
Make a gift to the Viticulture and Enology General Support Fund
Make a gift to the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Make a gift to the Food Science and Technology General Support Fund
Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke General Support Fund
Make a gift to the Canine Genetics Analysis Project Fund
Supporting Cornea Fellows In Honor Of Dr. Mark Mannis
Give to the MIND Institute Translational Research Impact Fund
Make a Gift to the School of Education's Center for Applied Policy in Education Program Support Fund
Make a gift to the Biological and Agricultural Engineering General Support Fund
Make a Gift to the Undergraduate Education Annual Fund
Donate to the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
Make a gift to the PTX Graduate Group
Johannes "Joe" DeVries Endowed Graduate Student Award
Provides support to DVM graduate students pursuing a PhD degree in preparation for an academic career in clinical sciences.
Ensuring brain resilience throughout the life
Funding for equipment for use at the veterinary hospital and for equine research faculty.
Make a Gift to the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Faculty Research Excellence Fund in Honor of Dean Lauren E. Lindstrom
GSM Online MBA Fund - Building to Endowment
Forest & Conservation Biology
Support the UC Davis Clinical and Comparative Dermatology Laboratory
Support research efforts that will provide hope for future generations
Directly Supporting UC Davis Veterinary Researchers
The Center for Watershed Sciences is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of critical water challenges, particularly in California.
Donate to support the annual Lung Day research symposium.
Supporting research in the Drug Discovery and Validation unit.
Established as a tribute to Dr. John P. Hughes and his work in the field of equine reproduction.
Support the goals of the UC Davis Design Department with a gift to the Design Collection
Make a gift to the Plant Sciences General Support Fund
Student Training in Advance Research (STAR) Fund
Help restore Lake Tahoe's clarity and its native ecosystem!
Support the Aquatic Research Collective!
Support the Construction Engineering and Management Excellence Fund
Support the Helene R. Dillard Student Success Fund today!
Make a gift to the Nancy Rupp Tibbitts Scholarship Fund
Honoring the legacy and contributions of Dr. Mark Mannis
Support the Agricultural & Environmental Technology Support Fund
Support the Eldridge and Judith Moores Field Geology Fund
Our mission is to accelerate identification and development of diagnostics and therapeutics for the benefit of veterinary and human patients
Aaron Bair, MD Memorial Resident Education Fund
Make a gift to the Horticulture Innovation Lab
Facilitates research activities into diagnosis, pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment of diseases of animals.
Support the restoration of this unique ecosystem
Honor Marilyn and help support graduate students studying inorganic chemistry
Help provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom.
Support the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Make a gift to the Land, Air and Water Resources General Support Fund
Support for the memorial of Tom Kenny, future scientists/researchers/staff and general support.
Donate to the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
Make a gift to the Honey Bee and Pollinators Research Fund
Rapid Pesticide Monitoring for Human and Environmental Health
CCAH Companion Animal Remembrance and Endearment Fund
Make your gift to support Wheelhouse
The Feminist Research Institute supports transformative research that enacts positive change to end oppression and create a more just world.
Make a gift to the International Programs Office Support Fund
Support the Institute for Psychedelics and Neurotherapeutics
Support Computer Science graduate students through the Walters Memorial Scholarship
Purpose: To provide unrestricted support of veterinary care for newborn foals at the School of Veterinary Medicine.
Support all the cutting-edge experiments of the Physics and Astronomy Department and advancements in green tech through helium recovery
Support Faculty Excellence in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Support work that uncovers aspects of Alzheimer’s disease and dementias
Give to the College of Biological Sciences Annual Fund & Dean's Circle
Give to the Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
Make a Gift to the Institute of the Environment
The EEI is growing rapidly—your support is an investment in our sustainable energy future.
Give to the Fruit and Vegetable Faculty Fellowship Fund in honor of Dr. Diane M. Barrett
Make a Gift to the Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute
Dedicated to the health and well-being of horses
Providing support to UC Davis Chile Life Sciences Innovation Center
Make a gift to the California Lighting Technology Center
Make a gift to the Mike and Renee Child Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund
Support the Gladstone Family International Internship Award