Students learning life-saving skills in high-tech simulation scenarios
Support the Earth and Planetary Sciences' Paleontology Collection!
Make a gift to support the Men's and Women's Rugby club teams!
Support women and underrepresented minority trainees in physiology and membrane biology.
Join us in providing students the hands-on data science skills they need to succeed in college and beyond.
Aggie Competitive Programming Contest: Unleash your problem-solving prowess through coding
Support the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Honor Marilyn and help support graduate students studying inorganic chemistry
Make a gift to the PTX Graduate Group
Make a gift to the Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve, part of the UC Natural Reserve System
Make a Gift to the Teaching Credential/Masters Student Scholarship Fund
Make a gift to the Barrett and Buhlert Memorial Food Science Award
Make a Gift to the Department of Native American Studies
Support the 3-Point Club, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Women's Basketball!
Give to the Biology Undergraduate Scholars Program (BUSP)
Support Food and Gut Microbiome Design Research
Make a gift to the Environmental Science and Policy Student Support Fund
ROMBA Conference Student Support Fund
Support TERC’s first-in-the-world network of real-time environmental monitoring stations, shoreline cameras and underwater cameras.
Creating pathways in global agriculture learning
Make a Gift to the Quarter Abroad Academic Opportunity Fund
Master in Preventive Veterinary Medicine Program
The Center for African Diaspora Student Success
Provides support to DVM graduate students pursuing a PhD degree in preparation for an academic career in clinical sciences.
Support the Student Chapter of IEEE
Friends of the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden Annual Appeal Fund
Support undergraduate History majors
Make a gift toward scholarships for incoming freshman
Support the Don Kunitz Award
Support Undergraduate Philosophy Students - Beyond the Classroom!
Jose Domingo Nuñez, DVM ’21 Memorial Scholarship Building Towards Endowment
The Community Resource & Retention Centers and the Academic Retention Initiatives strive to improve the success of all UC Davis students!
Encouraging lifelong learning and building bridges through community!
This fund supports medical students who are interested in practicing medicine in underserved communities.
Support Undergraduate Economics Students - Beyond the Classroom!
Invest in upgrades to the undergraduate teaching labs in Kemper Hall
Peter C. Kennedy Fellowship’s goal is to support excellent post-DVM graduate trainees working towards the Ph.D. degree
Support McNair Scholars achieve their goal of obtaining a Ph.D.
Integrative Pathobiology Graduate Group Support Fund
Help provide internships around the Capitol to undergraduate students
A gift to the Quail Ridge Reserve Fund supports the protection of the Quail Ridge peninsula for research and teaching.
Support the Global Disease Biology Student Support Fund
Make a gift to the Companion Animals Undergraduate Scholarship
Honoring the memory of Carrissa Lam with a gift of access to discovery
A lifelong friendship between Chancellor Gary May and his mentor led to the creation of this endowment to advance DEI in engineering
Make a gift to honor founding dean Young's legacy
Support student educational enhancement by making a gift today
Make a gift to support the Bohart Museum
Support the Cultivated Meat Student Activity Support Fund!
Recognizing outstanding undergraduate research done through the UC Davis Library!
Make a gift to support the Cross Cultural Center Endowed Fund
Make a Gift to Support the Jan Conroy Memorial Internship for Graphic Design
Give to the Center for Neuroscience Community Outreach Fund
Support outstanding students in political science
Support the Chris and Betsy van Kessel Plant Sciences GSR Endowment
Join us in supporting the Center for Child and Family Studies
Support hands-on, project based education at the Diane Bryant Engineering Student Design Center
Funding for nursing research at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Make a Gift to the International Fund for Excellence
Provides operating funds for the Knights Landing One Health Project.
Support technology and programming for virtual classes, virtual internships and digital documentation of global learning.
Support the Gladstone Family International Internship Award
Make a Gift to the Women's Resource and Research Center
Support an innovative digital learning project!
The Khourie Family Men's Tennis Scholarship endowment supports the UC Davis Athletics varsity men's tennis grant-in-aid program.
Support the Diamond Club, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Baseball!
KiDS: Kids into Discovering Science Outreach Program
Make a Gift to the Next Generation STEM Teaching Award
Support the John Merrill Drummer Endowed Scholarship
Enabling students to participate in professional development
Support the Ted Bradshaw Engaged Student Scholar Award Fund!
Support for future doctoral students in professional development
Building Connections and Strengthening Community
Center for Chicanx and Latinx Academic Student Success
UC Davis School of Medicine Class of 1982 Scholarship
Statewide giving site for all COSMOS locations
An ever-lasting tribute to an exemplary employee, Janice L. Wimmer Corbett.
Make a Gift to the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Scholarship for student focused on pediatric patients with developmental delays
This clean vehicle technology fund honors Craig Childers while providing opportunity for young scholars.
Support the Construction Engineering and Management Excellence Fund
Make a Gift to Support the Educational Opportunity Program
Make a gift to the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Endowment supporting the Agricultural Sustainability Institute
Make a gift to Computer Science
Help us to attract the very best students, provide them support, and recognize and honor their achievements.
"The Waltons" - Class of 1988
Make a gift to support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Outdoor Adventures
This fund will support students by providing resources for them to participate in a career development opportunity
The Office of Admissions and Student Programs is a national leader in developing innovative programs.
Make a Gift to the Brazil Family Bilingual Scholarship
FNP Annual Student Scholarship
Make a Gift to the Tahoe Environmental Research Center
Scholarships for outstanding achievements of doctoral students at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Providing support to UC Davis Chile Life Sciences Innovation Center
Aggie Parent & Family Council Scholarship
Make a Gift to the Active Literacy Academy Program Fund
Supports a member of the UC Davis women's track & field team.
Helping students receive financial support
Your gift supports future Physician Assistants
Make a Gift to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center
This scholarship supports Academic Research Careers for Medical Doctors.
The SPEAK fund provides communications training and outreach opportunities for students and early career scientists
Make a Gift to the Undergraduate Education Annual Fund
Support transformational student research experiences!
DVM Class of 2004 (building towards endowment)
Support graduate students in physics and music.
Invest in LEADR students in Tanya Whitlow's memory
Support the Department of Chemical Engineering
Support the Aggie Pride Club, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Football!
Flexible support for the School to respond to the most pressing needs throughout the year
Make a gift to the Ecogeomorphology Field Course fund
Supporting doctoral students at the School of Education
Chemistry Undergraduate Support - Beyond the Classroom!
Invest in hands-on robotics engineering experience as we design and build an autonomous underwater vehicle
Support Undergraduate Students in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Make a Gift to Support the Hunter-Jumper Equestrian Club
The George Belenis Memorial endowed fund provides grant-in-aid for the Aggie Football team.