A gift to Friends of ITS-Davis gives support and opportunity to our students on every level.
The Office of Admissions and Student Programs is a national leader in developing innovative programs.
Dr. Kitamura was one of the founders of the science of travel behavior, this fund allows students to share their research on a global level.
Make a gift to the GSM Working Professional Endowment
Make a gift to support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Outdoor Adventures
Make a Gift to Support the Internship and Career Center
Support students advancing health for older adults
Support the American Society of Civil Engineers at UC Davis
Scholarships for students interested in careers as nurse educators, researchers or clinicians who specialize in oncology
Improving the Teacher Education Program at the UC Davis School of Education
Support the Student Farm Equity and Inclusion Research Fund
Supports the intercollegiate athletics men's water polo grant-in-aid fund
Make a gift to honor founding dean Young's legacy
Make a gift in memory of Joseph Ogawa
Support EPS Students Beyond the Classroom!
Support an innovative digital learning project!
Outstanding Female Leadership & Impact Award Fund is to provide support for a GSM graduate student(s)
A new hub for community engagement at the Arboretum Teaching Nursery
Make a Gift to Support the Dressage Equestrian Club
Home to the UC Davis Library's rare and unique materials
Make a Gift to the Heather Marie Award for Guardian Teacher Scholars, to support former foster youth pursuing teaching as a career
Your gift supports outstanding graduate students who exemplify the school's vision for change
This fund supports medical students who are interested in practicing medicine in underserved communities.
Students learning life-saving skills in high-tech simulation scenarios
The Nitta siblings established the endowment supporting the football grant-in-aid fund while memorializing their parents, Toki & Mits Nitta.
Make a gift to the Biotech Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Travel Awards Fund
Supporting the Center for African Diaspora Student Success
Support technology and programming for virtual classes, virtual internships and digital documentation of global learning.
UC Davis School of Medicine Class of 1982 Scholarship
Your support will make the Washington Program an affordable option for students to gain valuable experience with professionals and experts.
Give to the Center for Neuroscience Community Outreach Fund
Support students experiencing hardship
Support the 50th Anniversary celebration honoring the ethnic studies departments and their students.
This clean vehicle technology fund honors Craig Childers while providing opportunity for young scholars.
Support for Undergraduate Researchers in the Calisi Lab
Give to the Biology Undergraduate Scholars Program (BUSP)
Provides support to DVM graduate students pursuing a PhD degree in preparation for an academic career in clinical sciences.
Support the Department of Chemical Engineering
Provide scholarship support to veterinary students pursing a DVM degree.
Suport the College of Engineering Facilities Fund
A fund to honor Elaine and support her passion for students, the environment and education
Support McNair Scholars achieve their goal of obtaining a Ph.D.
Help provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom.
Support Electrical and Computer Engineering
Invest in flexible funds to support Chemical Engineering students
Give to the Michael Alan Anthony Student Support Fund
Support undergraduate students
Make a Gift to the Alpine Ski and Snowboarding Club
Make a gift to the Community Development Graduate Group Support Fund
To offset the cost associated with acquiring or renewing their passports for undergraduate students participating in international programs.
Make a gift to the Jim Thayer Soil Science Endowment
Make a gift to the TC/MA Bilingual Authorization Scholarship Fund
Support Civil and Environmental Engineering
Support the RoundTable, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Men's Basketball!
Statewide giving site for all COSMOS locations
Support the Helene R. Dillard Student Success Fund today!
FNP Annual Student Scholarship
Support the Chicanx and Latinx Engineers and Scientists Society (CALESS)
Support UC Davis students engaging in study abroad opportunities and global learning experiences.
Support for the UC Davis Varsity Women's Equestrian Team
Helping students find safe and stable housing through the Aggie Compass Basic Needs Center
Student Training in Advance Research (STAR) Fund
In Memory of Dr. Faith Fitzgerald
Scholarship support for undergraduates focusing on water resources management
Make a Gift to Support the Michele Dyke Memorial Scholarship
Support a graduate student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
Support student scholarships and basic needs in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Your gift directly supports the school's greatest needs
Help students experience the Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology
Make a gift to support the Iranian Student Association
Supporting companion animal veterinary services in Covelo, CA
Make a Gift to the Next Generation STEM Teaching Award
Give to the Center for Population Biology Postdoctoral Fellowship Fund
Invest in LEADR students in Tanya Whitlow's memory
Supports the UC Davis Athletics general grant-in-aid fund
Make a gift to the Animal Science Student Support Fund
Support transformational student research experiences!
Make a Gift to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center
Jose Domingo Nuñez, DVM ’21 Memorial Scholarship Building Towards Endowment
Make a gift today to support private lessons for UC Davis music students.
The Campbell Water Polo Award supports the grant-in-aid program for the Men's & Women's Varsity Water Polo teams in alternating years .
Support Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Supporting student athletes majoring in engineering
Join us in ensuring all UC Davis students have access to an education that prepares them to succeed in our interconnected world
Support Undergraduate Philosophy Students - Beyond the Classroom!
Scholarships for outstanding achievements of doctoral students at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
Make a Gift to the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
A gift to the Quail Ridge Reserve Fund supports the protection of the Quail Ridge peninsula for research and teaching.
Make a gift to the PTX Graduate Group
Support our Student Clubs
Make a gift to the Ecogeomorphology Field Course fund
GSM Online MBA Fund - Building to Endowment
Support music lesson instructions for students!
Michael A. Maynard, DVM '17 Memorial Scholarship
Make a Gift to the Guardian Teacher Scholarship Fund
Honoring the memory of Carrissa Lam with a gift of access to discovery
Grant-in-aid for football student-athlete majoring in early childhood development, special ed, pre-med pediatrics or developmental research.
Support hands on design education in the College of Engineering
“For the Good of the Order” and “For the Good of the University.”
The SPEAK fund provides communications training and outreach opportunities for students and early career scientists
Support women and underrepresented minority trainees in physiology and membrane biology.
Gifts to L&S provide critical student scholarship, fellowship funding, and faculty support and create new research opportunities.
Center for Chicanx and Latinx Academic Student Success
Support postdoctoral fellows of the MIND Institute