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Our ITS Annual Fund, “Friends of ITS-Davis”, provides us with the unrestricted support we need to respond to emerging needs. One of these top priorities is to support our ITS graduate students. We have a strong commitment to interdisciplinary education that prepares students to be leaders in creating more sustainable and equitable transportation.

Funding will be used to enhance and expand ITS-Davis’ widely acclaimed graduate degree program that draws from 34 academic disciplines to meet the world’s growing need for transportation leaders and experts who understand the equity, environmental, and economic challenges of tomorrow. A key feature is and will be engagement with leaders from industry, government, public interest groups, and academia through seminars, internships, and visiting lectures.

We would be honored to have your support for Friends of ITS-Davis.

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Trent Sunahara
Assistant Director of Development, Office of Research
(530) 754-3725 (Phone)

Fund purpose

Other Purposes

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