Over the span of 30 years, Ryuichi Kitamura left an indelible mark on the transportation profession through his contributions in the areas of activity-based analysis, travel demand modeling, time-use research, dynamic analysis of travel behavior, travel survey methods, and transportation policy studies. The Kitamura family, together with the two universities at which Ryuichi spent his career – UC Davis and Kyoto University – have established the Ryuichi Kitamura Fund in support of graduate student scholarship and exchange of ideas in the field of travel behavior research. The fund is administered by the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies Gifts to the fund at all levels are welcome.
Income from the fund will be used to recognize outstanding travel behavior scholarship by students anywhere in the world, and foster greater intellectual and cultural exchange between the East and the West.
Similar Funds
Trent Sunahara
Assistant Director of Development, Office of Research
[email protected]
(530) 754-3725 (Phone)
Fund purpose
Student Support
Fund type