Donate to this fund

From drought to floods, from safe drinking water to wastewater, from agricultural production to ecosystem restoration, UC Davis is a leader in water-related education, research and outreach. The World Water initiative brings UC Davis’ interdisciplinary expertise to bear on solving local and global water challenges. Pioneering 21st century water science, engineering, management and policy, this initiative expands our engagement in managing one of the world’s most precious resources. The California Model of water management—leveraging water science, expertise and policy—will improve and deliver better solutions for a wide range of challenges locally and globally.

Your gift to the World Water initiative will help:

  • Establish a hub for global and California education in water science and management

  • Launch Water without Borders to provide scientific expertise and promote social justice for water issues around the world

  • Create the California Water Science Center—a sweeping new private-public-academic water partnership

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Toni Myshyakova
Associate Director of Development, Office of Research
[email protected]
530.219.6752 (Phone)

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