Make a gift to the Geography Graduate Group Support Fund
A gift to the FirstGen Initiative opens doors to opportunity.
Support the John Merrill Drummer Endowed Scholarship
Scholarship support for undergraduates focusing on water resources management
Make a gift to the Jepson Prairie Reserve, part of the UC Natural Reserve System
Supports a member of the UC Davis women's track & field team.
Provides meaningful research and mentorship experiences for community college students and increases diversity of future STEM leaders
The Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing Student Support Fund
Support the goals of the UC Davis Design Department with a gift to the Design Collection
Support Undergraduate Economics Students - Beyond the Classroom!
Scholarship support for students majoring in both Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Make a gift to the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Endowment supporting the Agricultural Sustainability Institute
Invest in upgrades to the undergraduate teaching labs in Kemper Hall
Support the Environmental Science and Policy Experiential Learning Fund
Support graduate students studying Middle Eastern and/or Iranian art history and humanities!
Make a gift to the Jim Thayer Soil Science Endowment
Scholarship award for a teaching credential/masters student with a career focus in STEM
Support undergraduate History majors
Support outstanding students in political science
Make a gift to the Environmental Science and Policy Student Support Fund
Support the Pilipino Americans in Science and Engineering
Make a Gift to the Teaching Credential/Masters Student Scholarship Fund
Support EPS Students Beyond the Classroom!
Make a Gift to Support the Jan Conroy Memorial Internship for Graphic Design
Support the Fujimoto Memorial Student Award
Make a gift to the PTX Graduate Group
Support graduate students during clinical rotations in Humboldt County
Support the Institute of the Environment Scholars Program!
Support student scholarships and basic needs in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Scholarship for student focused on pediatric patients with developmental delays
This scholarship supports Academic Research Careers for Medical Doctors.
VMTH Companion Avian & Exotic Pet Medicine Service Fund
A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
Make a Gift to International Scholars and Students at UC Davis
Make a gift to the CA&ES Experiential Learning Fund
Make a gift to the Oki Family Horticultural Endowment Fund
Help EWB design and implement small-scale, culturally appropriate engineering projects throughout the developing world.
Make a gift to the Designated Emphasis in the Biology of Vector-borne Diseases Program
Arboretum and Public Garden Good Life Garden Enhancement Fund
Support graduate students in physics and music.
Support the Aquatic Research Collective!
Support the Lund Water Management Dissertation Fellowship!
Make a gift to CalTeach/Mathematics and Science Teaching (CalTeach/MAST) Program
Make a gift to the Bodega Marine Reserve, part of the UC Natural Reserve System
Make a gift to the Student Leadership and Professional Development Fund
The Khourie Family Men's Tennis Scholarship endowment supports the UC Davis Athletics varsity men's tennis grant-in-aid program.
The Center for Watershed Sciences is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of critical water challenges, particularly in California.
Give now to the Phil Swimley Baseball Scholarship
The Alumni Annual Fund provides support to the Dean's highest priorities.
Give to the Center for Neuroscience Community Outreach Fund
Give to the Michael Alan Anthony Student Support Fund
Support Earth and Planetary Sciences students by funding their highest needs!
Support Students in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Give to the Baseball Facilities Enhancement Fund
GSM Masters of Science in Business Analytics Student Awards and Scholarships Fund
Support the Aggie Pride Club, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Football!
Trees for Tomorrow! Help the Arboretum and Public Garden grow a campus tree canopy that will be ready for our future climate.
To provide student support - intended to assist currently enrolled Graduate Students with immediate short-term financial assistance.
Make a gift in memory of Joseph Ogawa
Support transformational student research experiences!
Support the Department of Chemical Engineering
Support hands-on, project based education at the Diane Bryant Engineering Student Design Center
Help support first-year physics graduate students!
Make a gift to the Transformative Justice in Education Center.
Make a Gift to Support the Michele Dyke Memorial Scholarship
Koret Shelter Medicine Program (KSMP) Student Training Fund
Gifts to L&S provide critical student scholarship, fellowship funding, and faculty support and create new research opportunities.
Scholarships for outstanding achievements of doctoral students at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
The Lotter endowment was established to honor both Jane and Will for everything they have done for the UC Davis Men's Soccer program.
Supports the intercollegiate athletics softball program's grant-in-aid funding
Support Undergraduate Political Science Students - Beyond the Classroom!
A new hub for community engagement at the Arboretum Teaching Nursery
Support TERC’s Science Education Centers at Incline Village and Tahoe City and the science education programs for visitors and local student
Support our students today!
Supporting student athletes majoring in engineering
Honoring the memory of Carrissa Lam with a gift of access to discovery
The Joseph E. Carlson Memorial Fund supports the grant-in-aid program for the Men's Varsity Golf team.
Genia and Jim Willett established the endowment to support the Track & Field grant-in-aid program.
Support hands on design education in the College of Engineering
Make your gift to support Wheelhouse
Make a gift to support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Outdoor Adventures
To support collaborative vision research in honor of Dr. Schwab
Transforming how students learn design through a client-focused, project-based, experiential approach
Make a gift to support experiential learning for students at the Sustainable Living and Learning Communities
Invest in hands-on robotics engineering experience as we design and build an autonomous underwater vehicle
Make a gift to the Community Development Graduate Group Support Fund
Funding for nursing research at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Make a Gift to the Quarter Abroad Academic Opportunity Fund
Support the RoundTable, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Men's Basketball!
The Club Fred Endowment Fund provides annual grant-in-aid for a varsity football defensive lineman.
Peter C. Kennedy Fellowship’s goal is to support excellent post-DVM graduate trainees working towards the Ph.D. degree
The George Belenis Memorial endowed fund provides grant-in-aid for the Aggie Football team.
Make a Gift to Larry N. Vanderhoef Scholarship for Study Abroad
Student Training in Advance Research (STAR) Fund
Supports the grant-in-aid fund for one or more student-athletes from the intercollegiate track and field team.
GSM Graduate Business Award for Former Student-Athletes
Make a gift to Computer Science
Help provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom.
Make a gift to the Niels C. Legallet Memorial Scholarship Fund
Providing support to our student leaders!
Support the Ted Bradshaw Engaged Student Scholar Award Fund!
Make a Gift to the Guardian Teacher Scholarship Fund
Make a gift to the Center for Nutrition in Schools Support Fund
Support students experiencing hardship
Supporting doctoral students at the School of Education
Correne E. Treguboff Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Support East Asian Languages and Cultures
Kathleen C. Green Scholarship in Biology
Support undergraduate students
Aggie Parent & Family Council Scholarship
Walter W. Rohrer Scholarship Fund
Supporting former foster youth access to discovery through financial aid assistance.
DVM Class of 2004 (building towards endowment)
Support the Chicanx and Latinx Engineers and Scientists Society (CALESS)
Support undergraduate students in memory of Distinguished Professor Mukherjee
Make a Gift to the Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute
Scholarships for students interested in careers as nurse educators, researchers or clinicians who specialize in oncology
Scholarships for future Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants
Make a Gift to the Women's Resource and Research Center
Grant-in-aid for a football student-athlete in good academic standing with an undeniable passion for the game.
Make a gift to the AggieMentors Student Award Fund
Support student educational enhancement by making a gift today
Aaron Bair, MD Memorial Resident Education Fund
Students learning life-saving skills in high-tech simulation scenarios