Support global traveling fellowship for residents in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Support resident training in early psychosis and for underserved populations
The Alumni Annual Fund provides support to the Dean's highest priorities.
Comparative Pathology Laboratory Support Fund
Tribute Gifts to the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden
Transforming how students learn design through a client-focused, project-based, experiential approach
Make a gift to support research and educational programs in Computer Science
Training the next generation of the One Health workforce
Spearheading safe solutions to ease pain
Support postdoctoral researchers or assistant professors in mathematics!
Support Electrical and Computer Engineering
Make a gift in memory of Joseph Ogawa
Make a gift to the CA&ES Experiential Learning Fund
Support education and training in the area of head and neck oncology and skull base surgery.
Koret Shelter Medicine Program (KSMP) Student Training Fund
Support the TERC Internship for Tahoe Scholars!
Support our students today!
Make a Gift to the Agricultural Education Credential Program Fund
The Center for Continuing Professional Education is your educational home for veterinary specialists and animal owners!
Scholarship award for a teaching credential/masters student with a career focus in STEM
Ifeanyi Onyeji, M.D. Memorial Urologic Surgery Resident Education Fund
Deborah Golino Fund to Support Foundation Plant Services
David D. Kilmer M.D. Memorial Lectureship
Make a gift to the Emeritus Professor Jerald M. Henderson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Make a gift to the Center for Nutrition in Schools Support Fund
Support East Asian Languages and Cultures
Support psychiatry residents and resident training staff
Coulter-Tominga Pediatric Resident Travel Fund
Make a Gift to the Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute
Make a gift to the Environmental Science and Policy General Support Fund
Hibbard and Sharon Williams Student Scholarship Fund
Helping scientists, communities, and citizens address environmental problems collaboratively as part of civic life
The California Studio: Manetti Shrem Artist Residencies at UC Davis
Make a gift to the Barrett and Buhlert Memorial Food Science Award
VMTH Companion Avian & Exotic Pet Medicine Service Fund
Supporting doctoral students at the School of Education
Make a gift to the Jim Thayer Soil Science Endowment
The Phaff Yeast Culture Collection is one of the largest public collections of wild yeasts in the world!
Support psychotherapy education
CCAH Niels C. Pedersen Feline Health Endowment
International Animal Welfare Training (IAWT) Initiative
Honoring Jay's legacy and commitment to excellence in adult orthopaedic reconstructive surgery.
Statewide giving site for all COSMOS locations
Resident Scholar's Award in Public Psychiatry
Donate to the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
Inspire future physicians and scientists
Make a gift to the Transformative Justice in Education Center.
Make a gift to the UC Davis Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology
Department of Radiology's Endowed Scholarship Fund
Provide scholarship support to veterinary students pursing a DVM degree.
Support the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Make a gift to the Bodega Marine Reserve, part of the UC Natural Reserve System
California Veterinary Emergency Team (CVET)
Dr. Kitamura was one of the founders of the science of travel behavior, this fund allows students to share their research on a global level.
Make a gift to support Chaplaincy Services & Education
Make your gift to support Wheelhouse
Support graduate students during clinical rotations in Humboldt County
Support the Melissa Cooke Johnsen Endowment
Make a gift to the Winston Ko Professorship in Science Leadership
Integrative Pathobiology Graduate Group Support Fund
Delivers state-of-the-art clinical care while providing training opportunities and clinical experiences for DVM students.
Your gift will help make the Arboretum Teaching Nursery even more inspiring and support our student environmental leadership interns
Make a gift to the California Center for Urban Horticulture Support Fund
Make a gift to the California Center for Urban Horticulture
A new hub for community engagement at the Arboretum Teaching Nursery
Make a Gift to the Next Generation STEM Teaching Award
UC Davis School of Medicine Office of Wellness Education General Support Fund
Make a gift to the International Programs Office Support Fund
Make a gift to the Roderick V. Reid Graduate Fellowship
Make a Gift to the "Teacher Credential Scholarship in Honor of Al Mendle" Fund
To support the construction of the new Veterinary Medical Center
Make a Gift to the Teaching Credential/Masters Student Scholarship Fund
Give to the Ellen Dean Herbarium Fund
Dedicated to the health and well-being of horses
Help fund theater and dance workshops for students
Make a Gift to the Brooks Taylor Memorial Scholarship Award
Make a gift to the William and Nongkarn Chancellor Fellowship
A gift to the FirstGen Initiative opens doors to opportunity.
Treating substance use disorders in emergency departments
Make a Gift to the Active Literacy Academy Program Fund
Donate to the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
Charles Heumphreus Endowed Memorial Lectureship supports the annual lectureship
The School of Veterinary Medicine is committed to lifelong learning programs for both professionals and the animal-owning public.
Working at the interface of animals, people and the environment to solve complex problems that impact health and conservation
Support the Department of Chemical Engineering
DVM Class of 2004 (building towards endowment)
International Institute for Human-Animal Networks (IIHAN) Support Fund
Florence Imaging in Oral Cancer Research
A gift to the Davis Botanical Society Student Grant Fund
Striving to improve health and equity for all
Give to the College of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Support
Support Faculty Excellence in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Help us design and build the first high-speed, hybrid-electric research hydrofoil!
WUCOLS - Water Use Classifications of Landscape Species
Support women and underrepresented minority trainees in physiology and membrane biology.
Rural Prime Medical Student Scholarship Fund
Support postdoctoral fellows of the MIND Institute