The mission of our department is to provide education and leadership in the veterinary clinical disciplines embraced by the department, to facilitate research activities into diagnosis, pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment of diseases of animals, to provide veterinary services to the people of California, to nurture faculty development, to participate in the governance of the University, and to contribute actively to the development of the profession of veterinary medicine.
Associated Funds
- Camelid Teaching and Research Fund
- Comparative Vision Sciences Research Laboratory
- Florescence Imaging in Oral Cancer Research Fund
- Homeless Animal Support Fund
- K112 and Brain Tumor Research Fund
- Oral Inflammatory Disease Research Fund
- Orthopedic Research Program
- Orthopedic Surgeon Training Fund
- Small Animal Surgical Research Fund
Hnouzong Her
External Relations Supervisor
[email protected]
530-752-5717 (Phone)
530-752-2801 (Fax)