Donate to this fund

The Davis Botanical Society is the support organization for the UC Davis Center for Plant Diversity herbarium and the Botanical Conservatory. Members enjoy the knowledge that their membership is directly supporting these two invaluable UC Davis botanical collections as well as student research projects through the Society’s annual Student Grants Program.

Members also enjoy the following benefits: Invitations to members-only UC Davis Arboretum and Botanical Conservatory plant sales, field trips to local botanical sites, exhibits and workshops on a variety of botany-related subjects, lectures by experts in various fields of botany, and a subscription to the semi-annual Society newsletter Lasthenia.

To join or renew your membership, first complete the MEMBERSHIP FORM.

Next, click on the "Donate to this Fund" bar above and enter the amount of your chosen membership level (see options below) into the “How much will you give?” line and follow the prompts to enter the rest of your contact and payment information.

Student – FREE (skip payment step, you're all set!)
Individual – Annual donation of $30.00
Family – Annual donation of $40.00
Donor – Annual donation of $75.00
Patron/Organization – Annual donation of $150.00
Benefactor – Annual donation of $250.00
Lifetime – Single gift of $500.00 provides one individual with a lifetime membership

Once you have completed both the membership form and made the donation, your membership will be active.

If you would like to support the Society's other funds, click on the links below:

Davis Botanical Society Student Grants Program

Ellen Dean Herbarium Fund

Tim Metcalf Botanical Conservatory Fund

Similar Funds


CAES Development
[email protected]
(530) 752-1639 (Phone)

Fund purpose

Other Purposes

Fund type