Make a Gift to the Agricultural Education Credential Program Fund
Supports a football student-athlete majoring in Ethnic Studies, Chicano Studies or African American Studies.
Make a Gift to International Scholars and Students at UC Davis
Support graduate students studying Middle Eastern and/or Iranian art history and humanities!
Scholarship support for undergraduates focusing on water resources management
Your support will make the Washington Program an affordable option for students to gain valuable experience with professionals and experts.
Make a Gift to the Active Literacy Academy Program Fund
Genia and Jim Willett established the endowment to support the Track & Field grant-in-aid program.
Support Graduate Students
To offset the cost associated with acquiring or renewing their passports for undergraduate students participating in international programs.
Make a gift to the Oki Family Horticultural Endowment Fund
Make a gift to the TERC State of the Lake Report
Support graduate students during clinical rotations in Humboldt County
KiDS: Kids into Discovering Science Outreach Program
The Alumni Annual Fund provides support to the Dean's highest priorities.
Make a gift to the Community Development Graduate Group Support Fund
Hoping to return to in-person in May 2022!
Make a Gift to Support the Hunter-Jumper Equestrian Club
Help EWB design and implement small-scale, culturally appropriate engineering projects throughout the developing world.
Make a gift to the Ecogeomorphology Field Course fund
GSM Graduate Business Award for Former Student-Athletes
Make a gift to the AggieMentors Student Award Fund
The Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing Student Support Fund
Support undergraduate Chemical Engineering students in honor of Prof. Robert Powell
Support the goals of the UC Davis Design Department with a gift to the Design Collection
Support for future doctoral students in professional development
Support the 6on5 Club, which is the official booster club of Men's Water Polo!
The Club Fred Endowment Fund provides annual grant-in-aid for a varsity football defensive lineman.
Give now to the Phil Swimley Baseball Scholarship
Make a Gift to Support the UC Davis Western Equestrian Club
The Center for Watershed Sciences is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of critical water challenges, particularly in California.
Uplifting student parents and their families creates opportunities for future generations
Support the Kevin Robert Perry Sustainable Design and Built Environment Endowment!
Make a gift to support the Bohart Museum
Make a Gift to the Quarter Abroad Academic Opportunity Fund
Support the Aggie Compass Basic Needs Center
Make a Gift to the Department of Native American Studies
Home to the UC Davis Library's rare and unique materials
Correne E. Treguboff Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Support the Goldman-Schladow Limnology Fellowship!
Make a Gift to the International Fund for Excellence
COFFEE promotes academics, retention and community among women in ECE
A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
Support the Earth and Planetary Sciences' Paleontology Collection!
Creating pathways in global agriculture learning
Make a Gift to the Next Generation STEM Teaching Award
Make a gift to support DEVO
Building Connections and Strengthening Community
Give to the Center for Neuroscience Community Outreach Fund
Scholarships for outstanding achievements of doctoral students at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Support the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Provides meaningful research and mentorship experiences for community college students and increases diversity of future STEM leaders
Training the next generation of the One Health workforce
Support Electrical and Computer Engineering
Endowed scholarship fund stablished by the School's inaugural master’s-degree and doctoral-degree classes
Scholarship support for students majoring in both Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
UC Center Sacramento Building Renovation Fund
A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
Make a Gift to Larry N. Vanderhoef Scholarship for Study Abroad
Invest in women growing, learning and spreading the joy of computer science
Make a gift to the Environmental Policy and Management Program Student Support Fund
Make a Gift to the Heather Marie Award for Guardian Teacher Scholars, to support former foster youth pursuing teaching as a career
Make a gift to the Environmental Science and Policy Student Support Fund
Support a new generation of Aggies for their future careers!
Providing endowed support to our student leaders!
Support Undergraduate Economics Students - Beyond the Classroom!
Support transformational student research experiences!
Make a gift to the Designated Emphasis in the Biology of Vector-borne Diseases Program
Support Student Life, Campus Community, and Retention Services
Statewide giving site for all COSMOS locations
Support Latent Heat Battery Competition and Prototype Research!
Supporting undergraduates majoring or minoring in African American and African Studies.
Support EPS Students Beyond the Classroom!
Make a gift to the Bodega Marine Reserve, part of the UC Natural Reserve System
Make a Gift to the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Make a gift toward scholarships for incoming freshman
Support McNair Scholars achieve their goal of obtaining a Ph.D.
Support underrepresented graduate students in the fields of physics and astronomy!
Help provide internships around the Capitol to undergraduate students
Make a Gift to Support the Dressage Equestrian Club
Make a Gift to the Guardian Teacher Scholarship Fund
Make a Gift to the Tahoe Environmental Research Center
Join us in supporting the DataLab and help UC Davis students gain skills to give them a professional edge in their chosen career.
Make a gift in support of this scholarship and help students access discoveries!
Make a gift to CalTeach/Mathematics and Science Teaching (CalTeach/MAST) Program
In Memory of Dr. Faith Fitzgerald
UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden's Leadership Interns Help Environments Thrive
A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
The Football Excellence Fund provides new, recurring and comprehensive support for UC Davis Football and our vision for the future.
Support the RoundTable, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Men's Basketball!
Support the Department of Chemical Engineering
Make a gift to the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Student Support Fund
This scholarship supports Academic Research Careers for Medical Doctors.
Grant-in-aid for a football student-athlete in good academic standing with an undeniable passion for the game.
Support Earth and Planetary Sciences students by funding their highest needs!
Gifts to L&S provide critical student scholarship, fellowship funding, and faculty support and create new research opportunities.
To provide student support - intended to assist currently enrolled Graduate Students with immediate short-term financial assistance.
Your gift supports outstanding graduate students who exemplify the school's vision for change
Make a gift to Computer Science
Make a gift in support of this scholarship and help students access discoveries!
Support the Football Locker Room Nutrition Area
The Nitta siblings established the endowment supporting the football grant-in-aid fund while memorializing their parents, Toki & Mits Nitta.
Support hands on design education in the College of Engineering
Make a gift to support experiential learning for students at the Sustainable Living and Learning Communities
BMES provides academic and professional resources to undergraduates
Outstanding Female Leadership & Impact Award Fund is to provide support for a GSM graduate student(s)
Support psychiatry residents and resident training staff
Support technology and programming for virtual classes, virtual internships and digital documentation of global learning.
Make a Gift to the "Teacher Credential Scholarship in Honor of Al Mendle" Fund
Make a Gift to the Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute
Make a gift to the SmartLandscape Program Support Fund
ROMBA Conference Student Support Fund