A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
Scholarship award for a teaching credential/masters student with a career focus in STEM
Invest in LEADR students in Tanya Whitlow's memory
Support the Fujimoto Memorial Student Award
Support students with a desire to break down silos, work and collaborate effectively with other health care professionals
Master in Preventive Veterinary Medicine Program
Scholarships for future Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants
Help support summer research by UC Davis political science graduate students from historically underrepresented and marginalized communities
Make a gift to the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences today!
In honor of Caroline Dare, this fund supports the next generation of nurse leaders
Make a gift in support of this scholarship and help students access discoveries!
This endowment fund supports educational activities that enrich graduate student experiences in geotechnical engineering.
Make a Gift to the Brazil Family Bilingual Scholarship
Supports a member of the UC Davis women's track & field team.
"The Waltons" - Class of 1988
Support undergraduate students
Chicano Latino Alumni Association & Cesar Chavez Youth Leadership Conference and Celebration
Create opportunities and transform lives
Supporting the Chicanx and Latinx Engineers and Scientists Society of UC Davis
Make a gift to Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology Student Support Fund
Make a gift today to support private lessons for UC Davis music students.
Help us to attract the very best students, provide them support, and recognize and honor their achievements.
Make a Gift to Support the Thomas B. Dutton Student Scholarship Fund
Support the Scott M. Fishman, MD Medical Student Scholarship
Make a gift to the Barrett and Buhlert Memorial Food Science Award
Make a Gift to the Brooks Taylor Memorial Scholarship Award
Make a gift to the Environmental Science and Policy Student Support Fund
ToxMSDT Program Fund
Support transformational student research experiences!
Make a Gift to the Larry N. Vanderhoef Staff Scholarship
Scholarship support of an MBA student who plans to pursue a career or who has an interest in not-for-profit organizations and management.
Give to the Biology Undergraduate Scholars Program (BUSP)
Make a Gift to the Randy Randall Memorial Scholarship
The Lotter endowment was established to honor both Jane and Will for everything they have done for the UC Davis Men's Soccer program.
Make a gift toward scholarships for music students
Your gift supports outstanding graduate students who exemplify the school's vision for change
Make a gift to the Nancy Rupp Tibbitts Scholarship Fund
Scholarships for the next generation of nurse leaders, researchers, educators and policymakers
A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
Scholarships for students interested in pursuing prevention research on Alzheimer's and Alzheimer's-related dementias
Support a graduate student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
Make a gift to the Neal Van Alfen and James MacDonald Graduate Student Support Fund
The Club Fred Endowment Fund provides annual grant-in-aid for a varsity football defensive lineman.
Make a gift to the Landscape Architecture Student Support Fund
UC Davis School of Medicine Class of 1982 Scholarship
Providing endowed support to our student leaders!
Scholarship support for students majoring in both Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Honoring the memory of Carrissa Lam with a gift of access to discovery
Supports a football student-athlete majoring in Ethnic Studies, Chicano Studies or African American Studies.
Support the Eldridge and Judith Moores Field Geology Fund
Peter C. Kennedy Fellowship’s goal is to support excellent post-DVM graduate trainees working towards the Ph.D. degree
DVM Class of 2004 (building towards endowment)
Give to the College of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Support
Scholarships for students interested in careers as nurse educators, researchers or clinicians who specialize in oncology
Cal Aggie Alumni Association Silicon Valley Alumni Network
Support undergraduate Chemical Engineering students in honor of Prof. Robert Powell
Correne E. Treguboff Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Make a Gift to Support the Vassilios and Georgia Katehis Scholarship
Support the Veterinary Scientist Training Program Fund
Make a Gift to the "Teacher Credential Scholarship in Honor of Al Mendle" Fund
Make a Gift to Support the Michele Dyke Memorial Scholarship
Give to the College of Biological Sciences Annual Fund & Dean's Circle
Make a gift to the Student Leadership and Professional Development Fund
Make a gift to the Environmental Toxicology Student Support Fund
Make a Gift to the Agricultural Education Credential Program Fund
The Schmalenberger Award recognizes the highest standards of the university scholar-athlete who performs both academically & athletically.
Support Undergraduate Economics Students - Beyond the Classroom!
Endowed scholarship fund stablished by the School's inaugural master’s-degree and doctoral-degree classes
Public scholarship for the public good!
Make a Gift to the Guardian Teacher Scholarship Fund
Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspectives on Science (CAMPOS) building a diverse STEMM community
Supporting former foster youth access to discovery through financial aid assistance.
Help make the Brewing Industry as Diverse as the Beers We Love
Scholarships for nursing and medical students with an interest in health care policy leadership
Support psychiatry residents and resident training staff
Make a gift to the Center for Poverty and Inequality Research
Support the Kauzlarich Graduate Fellowship.
Make a gift to the Emeritus Professor Jerald M. Henderson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Recognizing outstanding undergraduate research done through the UC Davis Library!
Make a Gift to the Teaching Credential/Masters Student Scholarship Fund
Scholarships for outstanding achievements of doctoral students at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
To provide student support - intended to assist currently enrolled Graduate Students with immediate short-term financial assistance.
Provides meaningful research and mentorship experiences for community college students and increases diversity of future STEM leaders
Provides support to DVM graduate students pursuing a PhD degree in preparation for an academic career in clinical sciences.
Make a gift to the Roderick V. Reid Graduate Fellowship
The Campbell Water Polo Award supports the grant-in-aid program for the Men's & Women's Varsity Water Polo teams in alternating years .
“For the Good of the Order” and “For the Good of the University.”
Nicholas Lerche Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group support graduate student travel , awards, enrichment events and more
Help support first-year physics graduate students!
Support undergraduate History majors
Join us in supporting agricultural sustainability
Provide for students' financial needs that may be unmet by other funding sources.
Gifts will support the Parkinson's Disease Excellence Fund
Join us supporting graduate students!
Public Engagement Opportunities: Grants, Awards, Fellowships and More
Make a gift to GSM Student Scholarships
Genia and Jim Willett established the endowment to support the Track & Field grant-in-aid program.
An ever-lasting tribute to an exemplary employee, Janice L. Wimmer Corbett.
Make a Gift to the Heather Marie Award for Guardian Teacher Scholars, to support former foster youth pursuing teaching as a career
Support undergraduate students in memory of Distinguished Professor Mukherjee
Scholarship support for undergraduates focusing on water resources management
Scholarship Award in Memory of Dr. Scott A. Sloan
We invite you to consider making a gift today!
Providing financial assistance to those participating in the Continuing and Professional Education Winemaking Program!
Supports the intercollegiate athletics softball program's grant-in-aid funding
Supporting First Generation College Students
Make a gift to the William and Nongkarn Chancellor Fellowship
Make a Gift to Support UCDRA Scholarships