Support the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Give to the Center for Neuroscience Community Outreach Fund
Supporting the Center for African Diaspora Student Success
Make a gift to the Niels C. Legallet Memorial Scholarship Fund
Supports a member of the UC Davis women's track & field team.
Make a gift to the Barbara O. Schneeman Aggie Ambassador Prize
Encouraging lifelong learning and building bridges through community!
Funding for nursing research at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Make a gift to support graduate students
This fund will support students by providing resources for them to participate in a career development opportunity
Support outstanding students in political science
Support Civil and Environmental Engineering
Support graduate students' professional development
Scholarship fund for National Innovators Forum Academy
A gift to the Quail Ridge Reserve Fund supports the protection of the Quail Ridge peninsula for research and teaching.
Make a gift to support experiential learning for students at the Sustainable Living and Learning Communities
Support the Block & Board Club, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Swimming & Diving!
Aaron Bair, MD Memorial Resident Education Fund
Support the CounterAttack Club, which is the official booster club of Women's Water Polo!
Support women and underrepresented minority trainees in physiology and membrane biology.
Support the Marya Welch Initiative for Women's Athletics!
Supporting First Generation College Students
Statewide giving site for all COSMOS locations
Supporting the personal, academic, and professional success of Asian American & Pacific Islander students at UC Davis.
Make a gift to the Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve, part of the UC Natural Reserve System
Center for Chicanx and Latinx Academic Student Success
Help provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom.
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group support graduate student travel , awards, enrichment events and more
Scholarships for students interested in pursuing prevention research on Alzheimer's and Alzheimer's-related dementias
Peter C. Kennedy Fellowship’s goal is to support excellent post-DVM graduate trainees working towards the Ph.D. degree
Aggie Competitive Programming Contest: Unleash your problem-solving prowess through coding
Make a gift to support DEVO
Dr. Kitamura was one of the founders of the science of travel behavior, this fund allows students to share their research on a global level.
Support student educational enhancement by making a gift today
Support graduate students during clinical rotations in Humboldt County
Make a gift in support of this scholarship and help students access discoveries!
Support the 50th Anniversary celebration honoring the ethnic studies departments and their students.
Make a gift to the Graduate School of Management Master of Science in Business Analytics Fund
Make a Gift to the Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award
Hoping to return to in-person in May 2022!
Make a Gift to Support the UC Davis Marching Band Endowment!
Make a Gift to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center
Support Undergraduate Economics Students - Beyond the Classroom!
Make a Gift to the Education Faculty Scholarship Fund
Scholarships for outstanding achievements of doctoral students at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
Support the American Society of Civil Engineers at UC Davis
KiDS: Kids into Discovering Science Outreach Program
Chemistry Undergraduate Support - Beyond the Classroom!
Support hands-on, project based education at the Diane Bryant Engineering Student Design Center
Make a Gift to the Tahoe Environmental Research Center
The Khourie Family Men's Tennis Scholarship endowment supports the UC Davis Athletics varsity men's tennis grant-in-aid program.
Join us in supporting the DataLab and help UC Davis students gain skills to give them a professional edge in their chosen career.
Make a gift to the Eva Mulder Memorial Student Support Fund
The Club Fred Endowment Fund provides annual grant-in-aid for a varsity football defensive lineman.
Support the Diamond Club, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Baseball!
Provides meaningful research and mentorship experiences for community college students and increases diversity of future STEM leaders
Make a Gift to CAAA Alumni, Student and Parent Programs
Support the EcoCAR Electric Vehicle (EV) Challenge team
Make a Gift to the Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute
Provides support to DVM graduate students pursuing a PhD degree in preparation for an academic career in clinical sciences.
Supporting former foster youth access to discovery through financial aid assistance.
Support interprofessional educational opportunities
Support students, faculty and researchers with a gift to the Library Annual Fund
Support the Aquatic Research Collective!
The Community Resource & Retention Centers and the Academic Retention Initiatives strive to improve the success of all UC Davis students!
Make a gift to the Community Development Graduate Group Support Fund
Support TERC’s first-in-the-world network of real-time environmental monitoring stations, shoreline cameras and underwater cameras.
Donate to the Bob and Marietta Hamilton Memorial Basketball Scholarship
Support the Helene R. Dillard Student Success Fund today!
Make a gift toward scholarships for music students
Make a Gift to the Quarter Abroad Academic Opportunity Fund
Support a graduate student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
Help students experience the Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology
Help EWB design and implement small-scale, culturally appropriate engineering projects throughout the developing world.
Make a gift to support the Bohart Museum
An ever-lasting tribute to an exemplary employee, Janice L. Wimmer Corbett.
Make a gift to GSM Student Professional Development
Scholarship Award in Memory of Dr. Scott A. Sloan
The SPEAK fund provides communications training and outreach opportunities for students and early career scientists
A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
Support the Student Chapter of IEEE
Join us in ensuring all UC Davis students have access to an education that prepares them to succeed in our interconnected world
Support Earth and Planetary Sciences students by funding their highest needs!
VMTH Companion Avian & Exotic Pet Medicine Service Fund
ASUCD Pantry
Scholarship support for students majoring in both Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Help us to attract the very best students, provide them support, and recognize and honor their achievements.
Support the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Gifts to the Sports Medicine Development Fund support the entire program including our athletic trainers and student trainers.
We invite you to consider making a gift today!
Support student scholarships and basic needs in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Support Student Health and Counseling Services
Supporting student athletes majoring in engineering
Join us supporting graduate students!
Recognizing outstanding undergraduate research done through the UC Davis Library!
Scholarships for students interested in careers as nurse educators, researchers or clinicians who specialize in oncology
The Alumni Annual Fund provides support to the Dean's highest priorities.