Make a gift today to support private lessons for UC Davis music students.
Correne E. Treguboff Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Make a Gift to Support the UC Davis Western Equestrian Club
Make a Gift to Larry N. Vanderhoef Scholarship for Study Abroad
Make a Gift to Support the Michele Dyke Memorial Scholarship
Ecogeomorphology classes provide students with cross-disciplinary instruction in expedition settings.
Providing support to our student leaders!
The Community Resource & Retention Centers and the Academic Retention Initiatives strive to improve the success of all UC Davis students!
Make a gift to the PTX Graduate Group
Make a gift in support of this scholarship and help students access discoveries!
Support Graduate Students
Aaron Bair, MD Memorial Resident Education Fund
Give today to support UC Davis students impacted by natural disasters.
Providing support to UC Davis Chile Life Sciences Innovation Center
Support Undergraduate Scholarships
Support technology and programming for virtual classes, virtual internships and digital documentation of global learning.
Make a Gift to Support the UC Davis Marching Band Endowment!
Support our students today!
DVM Class of 2004 (building towards endowment)
Uplifting student parents and their families creates opportunities for future generations
Give to the Center for Neuroscience Community Outreach Fund
Make a gift to the Emeritus Professor Jerald M. Henderson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Make a gift to support the Bohart Museum
Aggie Competitive Programming Contest: Unleash your problem-solving prowess through coding
Make a gift to the Bodega Marine Reserve, part of the UC Natural Reserve System
Make a gift to support DEVO
A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
Scholarship fund for National Innovators Forum Academy
Support the College of Biological Sciences Graduate Support
A summer program to poise local high school students (or recently graduated adults) to become informed on pathways to a career in nursing.
Home to the UC Davis Library's rare and unique materials
The Office of Professional Education provides the academic support and resources for the DVM program.
We invite you to consider making a gift today!
COFFEE promotes academics, retention and community among women in ECE
Make a Gift to Support the Hunter-Jumper Equestrian Club
Suport the College of Engineering Facilities Fund
Public scholarship for the public good!
Provides operating funds for the Knights Landing One Health Project.
Support undergraduate History majors
Hoping to return to in-person in May 2022!
Support professional development specialized for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
A gift to the Davis Botanical Society Student Grant Fund
Help provide internships around the Capitol to undergraduate students
Make a gift to the Eva Mulder Memorial Student Support Fund
This fund will support students by providing resources for them to participate in a career development opportunity
Support Bay Area Young Alumni
Scholarship for Promoting the Success of Historically Underrepresented and Marginalized Communities in Graduate Studies in Political Science
Make a Gift to the Guardian Teacher Scholarship Fund
Honoring the memory of Carrissa Lam with a gift of access to discovery
Make a Gift to the Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute
Grant-in-aid for football student-athlete majoring in early childhood development, special ed, pre-med pediatrics or developmental research.
The Center for Watershed Sciences is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of critical water challenges, particularly in California.
Join us in supporting the DataLab and help UC Davis students gain skills to give them a professional edge in their chosen career.
Helping students receive financial support
The Football Excellence Fund provides new, recurring and comprehensive support for UC Davis Football and our vision for the future.
Make a gift to the TERC State of the Lake Report
Make your gift to support Wheelhouse
Support women and underrepresented minority trainees in physiology and membrane biology.
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group support graduate student travel , awards, enrichment events and more
KiDS: Kids into Discovering Science Outreach Program
Support the Helene R. Dillard Student Success Fund today!
Support the Carl Keen Graduate Student Award!
Creating pathways in global agriculture learning
Help support first-year physics graduate students!
Make a Gift to the Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award
UC Davis School of Medicine Class of 1982 Scholarship
Make a Gift to Support the Educational Opportunity Program
Dr. Kitamura was one of the founders of the science of travel behavior, this fund allows students to share their research on a global level.
UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden's Leadership Interns Help Environments Thrive
Support Earth and Planetary Sciences students by funding their highest needs!
The Jeffery C. Gibeling Master's Thesis Award honors Dr. Gibeling and the top master's thesis in College of Engineering
Make a Gift to Support the Jan Conroy Memorial Internship for Graphic Design
Make a Gift to support library-driven student internship opportunities
Make a gift to support the Iranian Student Association
The Alumni Annual Fund provides support to the Dean's highest priorities.
Make a gift to the Environmental Policy and Management Program Student Support Fund
This scholarship supports Academic Research Careers for Medical Doctors.
Support students with a desire to break down silos, work and collaborate effectively with other health care professionals
Support an innovative digital learning project!
Support student scholarships and basic needs in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Supporting student athletes majoring in engineering
Make a Gift to International Scholars and Students at UC Davis
Support students with learning differences
Dedicated to a healthy student body!
Make a gift to support opportunities for discovery that changes students' lives
Support the American Society of Civil Engineers at UC Davis
Supporting students participation in professional development and career exploration!
A fund to support resident and fellow education and research
Support the Institute of the Environment Scholars Program!
Support the Earth and Planetary Sciences' Paleontology Collection!
Give to the Biology Undergraduate Scholars Program (BUSP)
This clean vehicle technology fund honors Craig Childers while providing opportunity for young scholars.
Support the Kevin Robert Perry Sustainable Design and Built Environment Endowment!
Gifts to L&S provide critical student scholarship, fellowship funding, and faculty support and create new research opportunities.
Center for Chicanx and Latinx Academic Student Success
Make a Gift to the Education Faculty Scholarship Fund
Make a Gift to the Brazil Family Bilingual Scholarship
Help students experience the Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology