Make a gift to the Mike and Renee Child Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund
Global leaders in the science and engineering of biological and agricultural systems
Make a gift to the Ruminant Health and Microbiology Program
Support for Undergraduate Researchers in the Calisi Lab
Make a gift to support opportunities for discovery that changes students' lives
Make a gift to the California Master Beekeeper Program
This is the Pioneering Punjabi's Digital Archive Project
Support postdoctoral fellows of the MIND Institute
Uniting communities and technology to help people with autism thrive for life
Public scholarship for the public good!
Support McNair Scholars achieve their goal of obtaining a Ph.D.
FNP Annual Student Scholarship
Give to the Ellen Dean Herbarium Fund
Make a gift to the Roderick V. Reid Graduate Fellowship
CCAH Niels C. Pedersen Feline Health Endowment
Make a gift to the Land, Air and Water Resources General Support Fund
Innovative Treatments for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases
Make a gift to celebrate Biological and Agricultural Engineering's 100 years
Give to the Nancy and John Jungerman Award
Make a gift to the Mike and Renee Child Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund
UC Davis School of Medicine Office of Wellness Education General Support Fund
Purpose: To provide unrestricted support of veterinary care for newborn foals at the School of Veterinary Medicine.
Make a gift to support the children in our community
Make a gift to the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Help us to attract the very best students, provide them support, and recognize and honor their achievements.
Make a gift to the Viticulture and Enology Student Support Fund
Make a gift to the Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology General Support Fund
Make a gift to the Russell Ranch Sustainable Agriculture Facility Endowment
Join us in providing students the hands-on data science skills they need to succeed in college and beyond.
Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke General Support Fund
Louis R. Rowan Fellowship
This scholarship supports Academic Research Careers for Medical Doctors.
Make a gift to the Plant Pathology General Support Fund
Make a gift to the Honey Bee and Pollinators Research Fund
Support the UC Davis Clinical and Comparative Dermatology Laboratory
Make a gift to the Charles M. Rick Tomato Genetics Research Center Endowment
Support the Parkinson's Disease multi-disciplinary clinic
Dedicated to the health and well-being of companion animals.
Make a gift to the Viticulture and Enology General Support Fund
Supporting doctoral students at the School of Education
Support transformational student research experiences!
Make a gift to the Entomology and Nematology General Support Fund
Support women and underrepresented minority trainees in physiology and membrane biology.
Make a gift to the California Lighting Technology Center
Dedicated to promoting research, education, and service with the goal of advancing discovery and meeting societal needs globally.
Make a gift to the International Programs Office Support Fund
Make a gift to the Center for Regional Change Support Fund
Make a gift to the L&S Graduate Student Support Fund
Make a gift to the Center for Poverty and Inequality Research
The Arthur H. Rosenfeld Chair in Energy Efficiency honors the legacy of the founding father of energy efficiency.
Support the Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies Initiative
Help restore Lake Tahoe's clarity and its native ecosystem!
Make a gift to the PTX Graduate Group
Southern California Mountain Lion Research
WUCOLS - Water Use Classifications of Landscape Species
CCAH SOCK Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) Support Fund
Give to the Botanical Conservatory General Support Fund
Make a gift to the Environmental Soil Chemistry Laboratory
Make a gift to the Animal Genomics and Biotechnology Program
Give to the MIND Institute Translational Research Impact Fund
Support EPS Students Beyond the Classroom!
Make a Gift to the Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute
Support Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Make a gift to Computer Science
Make a gift to the Agricultural Sustainability Institute
Help provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom.
Make a gift to the UC Davis Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology
Public Engagement Opportunities: Grants, Awards, Fellowships and More
Give to Microbiology and Molecular Genetics General Support
Make a gift to the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Gifts to L&S provide critical student scholarship, fellowship funding, and faculty support and create new research opportunities.
Support the Carl Keen Graduate Student Award!
Make a gift to the Department of Food Science and Technology
Give to the College of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Support
UC Davis Women’s Cardiovascular Medicine Program
Support for the memorial of Tom Kenny, future scientists/researchers/staff and general support.
Donate to support the annual Lung Day research symposium.
Supports the UC Davis Athletics general grant-in-aid fund
Give to Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior General Support
Support our students today!
Your gift supports outstanding graduate students who exemplify the school's vision for change
This program holistically evaluates diseases and conditions affecting hummingbirds
Make a Gift to the Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute
Make a gift to the University of California Nursery and Floriculture Alliance
Make a gift to the Nancy Rupp Tibbitts Scholarship Fund
Together, we can help ensure planetary resilience to climate change.
Support the Aquatic Research Collective!
CCAH Equipment Support for Faculty Needs
Support student scholarships and basic needs in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Support the Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research!
Support Graduate Students
Support the restoration of this unique ecosystem
Make a gift in memory of Joseph Ogawa
The Feminist Research Institute supports transformative research that enacts positive change to end oppression and create a more just world.
Invest in upgrades to the undergraduate teaching labs in Kemper Hall
Rapid Pesticide Monitoring for Human and Environmental Health
Support the Autism Research Brain Collection Fund at the UC Davis MIND Institute
Striving to improve health and equity for all
Make a gift to support research and educational programs in Computer Science
Faculty Research Excellence Fund in Honor of Dean Lauren E. Lindstrom
Donate to the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
Support the Goldman-Schladow Limnology Fellowship!
Support inter-campus collaboration and the advancement of bioengineering in the UC system and beyond
The Feminist Research Institute supports transformative research that enacts positive change to end oppression and create a more just world.
Give to the Haskell Robinson Family Neuroscience Research Endowment