Helping students find safe and stable housing through the Aggie Compass Basic Needs Center
Support the Football Locker Room Nutrition Area
Grant-in-aid for a football student-athlete in good academic standing with an undeniable passion for the game.
Enabling students to participate in professional development
Support EPS Students Beyond the Classroom!
We invite you to consider making a gift today!
Creating pathways in global agriculture learning
Support graduate students during clinical rotations in Humboldt County
Invest in flexible funds to support Chemical Engineering students
Make a gift to the Jepson Prairie Reserve, part of the UC Natural Reserve System
UC Center Sacramento Building Renovation Fund
Tribute Gifts to the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden
Supporting companion animal veterinary services in Covelo, CA
Make a Gift to Support MESA
Support student scholarships and basic needs in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Peter C. Kennedy Fellowship’s goal is to support excellent post-DVM graduate trainees working towards the Ph.D. degree
Make a gift toward scholarships for music students
Make a gift toward scholarships for incoming freshman
Invest in hands-on robotics engineering experience as we design and build an autonomous underwater vehicle
Your gift supports outstanding graduate students who exemplify the school's vision for change
Correne E. Treguboff Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Make a gift to support experiential learning for students at the Sustainable Living and Learning Communities
Make a gift to the Graduate School of Management Master of Science in Business Analytics Fund
The Campbell Water Polo Award supports the grant-in-aid program for the Men's & Women's Varsity Water Polo teams in alternating years .
Dedicated to a healthy student body!
Koret Shelter Medicine Program (KSMP) Student Training Fund
VMTH Companion Avian & Exotic Pet Medicine Service Fund
Public scholarship for the public good!
Support undergraduate students
GSM Graduate Business Award for Former Student-Athletes
Providing financial aid assistance to AB540 and undocumented students
Improving the Teacher Education Program at the UC Davis School of Education
Supporting students participation in professional development and career exploration!
The Khourie Family Men's Tennis Scholarship endowment supports the UC Davis Athletics varsity men's tennis grant-in-aid program.
Support Bay Area Young Alumni
Make a Gift to the Women's Resource and Research Center
Help provide students with opportunities beyond the classroom.
A summer program to poise local high school students (or recently graduated adults) to become informed on pathways to a career in nursing.
Join us in providing students the hands-on data science skills they need to succeed in college and beyond.
Center for Chicanx and Latinx Academic Student Success
Make a gift in memory of Sean Duffey and in honor of Hugh Dingle
A lifelong friendship between Chancellor Gary May and his mentor led to the creation of this endowment to advance DEI in engineering
Kathleen C. Green Scholarship in Biology
UC Davis School of Medicine Class of 1982 Scholarship
Make a Gift to International Scholars and Students at UC Davis
Louis R. Rowan Fellowship
To provide student support - intended to assist currently enrolled Graduate Students with immediate short-term financial assistance.
Make a gift to support basic needs resources for students!
Support the 6on5 Club, which is the official booster club of Men's Water Polo!
Make a Gift to the Quarter Abroad Academic Opportunity Fund
Provides operating funds for the Knights Landing One Health Project.
Support UC Davis students in gaining global learning experiences that advance local and global LGBTQIA+ issues. (Current Use Fund)
The Jeffery C. Gibeling Master's Thesis Award honors Dr. Gibeling and the top master's thesis in College of Engineering
Integrative Pathobiology Graduate Group Support Fund
A lasting investment in where and how our students learn
Make a gift to the GSM Working Professional Endowment
Flexible support for the School to respond to the most pressing needs throughout the year
Give to the College of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Support
ROMBA Conference Student Support Fund
Make a Gift to the Alpine Ski and Snowboarding Club
Recognizing outstanding undergraduate research done through the UC Davis Library!
The Office of Admissions and Student Programs is a national leader in developing innovative programs.
Support undergraduate History majors
Support the Don Kunitz Award
Support the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Make a gift to support research and educational programs in Computer Science
Scholarships for outstanding students at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Master in Preventive Veterinary Medicine Program
Genia and Jim Willett established the endowment to support the Track & Field grant-in-aid program.
Support music lesson instructions for students!
Support the Kevin Robert Perry Sustainable Design and Built Environment Endowment!
Make a Gift to support library-driven student internship opportunities
Help support first-year physics graduate students!
Providing support to UC Davis Chile Life Sciences Innovation Center
Make a gift to the TERC State of the Lake Report
Support hands-on, project based education at the Diane Bryant Engineering Student Design Center
Support students experiencing hardship
Support graduate students studying Middle Eastern and/or Iranian art history and humanities!
Supporting the Center for African Diaspora Student Success
Support the Block & Board Club, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Swimming & Diving!
Help provide internships around the Capitol to undergraduate students
Support the College of Biological Sciences Graduate Support
Support our Student Clubs
Make a gift to the Emeritus Professor Jerald M. Henderson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Support hands on design education in the College of Engineering
The Office of Professional Education provides the academic support and resources for the DVM program.
Supporting doctoral students at the School of Education
Providing support to our student leaders!
Encouraging lifelong learning and building bridges through community!
Make a gift to the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Endowment supporting the Agricultural Sustainability Institute
Support graduate students' professional development
A gift to the Quail Ridge Reserve Fund supports the protection of the Quail Ridge peninsula for research and teaching.
Invest in LEADR students in Tanya Whitlow's memory
Make a gift to CalTeach/Mathematics and Science Teaching (CalTeach/MAST) Program
Make a gift to the Eva Mulder Memorial Student Support Fund
Make a Gift to the Tahoe Environmental Research Center
Support McNair Scholars achieve their goal of obtaining a Ph.D.
The Alumni Annual Fund provides support to the Dean's highest priorities.
Make a gift to the Bodega Marine Reserve, part of the UC Natural Reserve System
Make a gift to the Designated Emphasis in the Biology of Vector-borne Diseases Program
Support Latent Heat Battery Competition and Prototype Research!
GSM Online MBA Fund - Building to Endowment
Support the Diamond Club, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Baseball!
Support Earth and Planetary Sciences students by funding their highest needs!
Support student educational enhancement by making a gift today
Supports the intercollegiate athletics men's water polo grant-in-aid fund
Supports a member of the UC Davis women's track & field team.
The Center for African Diaspora Student Success
The Community Resource & Retention Centers and the Academic Retention Initiatives strive to improve the success of all UC Davis students!
Support the RoundTable, which is the official booster club of UC Davis Men's Basketball!
COFFEE promotes academics, retention and community among women in ECE
Make a Gift to Support the UC Davis Marching Band Endowment!
“For the Good of the Order” and “For the Good of the University.”
Provides meaningful research and mentorship experiences for community college students and increases diversity of future STEM leaders
Support the BioInnovation Laboratory